A part of my family
Heeeeeello to all of you. My name is Anastassia Vallejos. And i`ll talk about a little about me and my family. I live with my mom called Valentina Pinto, my dad Claudio Vallejos and my big brother Emmanuel Vallejos. In the past, like 2 years ago, i lived with my grandmother, Susy. In my family the first in have a birthday is my dad (23/03/1967), after my grandmother (25/04/1946), me (06/06/2000), my brother (19/12/1996) and for finish my mom 21/12/1966. About my studies, in my elementary school I was in Santa María de Maipú, in High school I studied in Liceo Nº7 de niñas de providencia, and now I study in the University of Chile. With my family, like I said before, we all live together except for my Susy, in a house in Maipú. All the integrants of my family dance, even a little. My parents they knowed each other dancing in BAFUSACH, and with my brother we participed, for years, in BAFOCHI, so... we dance. And in 2014 we dance together in Encore, for months, and fo...