Professional life goals

In this topic I would talk about my professional life goals.
First of all, I want to said that I don`t really know if are my real goals but at the moment it`s that I would like to do.
At the time, I want to go to Europe, but just to Italy and Spain, to learn more about contemporany dance, and then I want  to travel Latin America to learn more of their folklore dance and be able to do a works of that. I don`t know how long I would be in those places, but I do know that but if I know that it would be the one necessary to feel identified with folklore.
And the closest goal I have is to be a good teacher for the children I teach, that they could learn about my and I learn about them. Because I teach in BAFOCHI, here in Chile, as an assistant teacher in Santiago and Melipilla, for the academy and in a school calls "Menecianos".
Maybe tomorrow my goals could be different but today I want this for my life, and be a pride for my family and the people who believed in me, like my friends.
  Resultado de imagen para danza en italia
Resultado de imagen para folklore latinoamericano


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