My favorite photo

Today I`ll talk about one of my favorite picture, cause I`ve so many picture that i love for so many reason.
This photo was taken by my mom when we were paying attention to the depth of the laek. The people that appear are my dad and I, when we went to a laek near to Quiao, Chiloe. It was taken this year, febraury 2019, on our summer vacation.
Well, if I`m honest I really like the photos with my family for all the memories that contain, and although in this picture not appear all my family, like my mom that who`s took the photo, my brother who didn`t go woth us for work, or my grandmother who was at home. I like to think of this photo as calm before the storm. I like to remember tha happiness that I felt while talking with my dad about the laek, or the misterious of Chiloe, or see my mom enjoying the wonderfull view of the laek, enjoying the breeze. I like to remember this simple things before the reality hit we had.
I think I uploaded this photo in instagram stories but I didn`t want to give it so more importance in social media, cause it`s very intimate to me


  1. I like so much Chiloe! It is a wonderful place whit a lot of magical things to find out.

  2. I wonder how many time took to the people know that chiloé was an island and which water was a sea and which lake, because honestly that island is f******* huge. On the other hand, I hope that you have reached the calm after the storm you mention .

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


  4. aaw this is very emotional! I loved the meaning of photography. A hug for you <3


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