My favourite piece of technology

In this blog I´ll talk about my cellphone, cause I think it´s my favorite piece of technology. My cellphone is a LG androib model. I have this cellphone from the past year, cause the other that I was have, it was didn´t working.

I use it all the time, I´m accept that I´m a slave of my cellphone, but I always used when I wanna listen music, see photos or videos, take photos or videos, comunicate with other people, use the social networks, read and search some information that it´s important to me.

Usually I use when I was bored, or when I´m not in class, but it depends about the class, also use in my house when I think it´s important.

I like it cause I feel more secure, and cause like I said before, I´m a slave of social medias and cellphone. Also I like it cause I feel important in something and cause I can do so many think  without having to bother more people  to help me

I think  I would be a person more comunicative with my whereabouts, but that I was didn´t have idea about importn information about class of dance, or the music that I like, in the same time that I usually it´s


  1. We have something in common!! My favourite piece of technology is a cellphone!!!

  2. hahaha you are slave of your cellphone... I think that this it's not fine.

  3. Wow! My favorite gadget also is the cellphone. We’ve become very dependent on him.

  4. The same thing happens to me that I feel like a slave on my cell phone!!!!!


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