Speak in dance


In this topic I would like to talk about the "speak in dance", for my it's something so difficult cause I don't like to talk when I dance I feel insecure and exposed but I feel that's important to expresed how I do, when I move my body.

It's complicated to cause I like that idea to speak in dance, how some dancers can mix their movements, I like that idea to thetold a poem or a history, but I have not been able to do it for insecurity

Despite all this, in this days, I think it's thankfulyl the rain,that I wrote some things and that I wanted to interpret my writings throught movements and I ask me,and if I read while I'm dancing? . So, for first time I wanna talk when I'm dancing, well I'm stell afraid but I wanna tried and see what's happend, I wanna find out how this can modifi my dance and my perspective of the dance in the places that i habit

And that's it, maybe I can tell you what happend after prove it.

Resultado de imagen para poema en libros fotos


  1. I like more the idea of sound in dance. How the movement can make me sound and in that way how the sound found its meaning through the movement. Personally I think that the use of the word is pretty tricky, 'cause the word has a meaning itself.


  2. Hi, in my audition for the university I read a poem! That was very difficult for me, I am a very shy person Ahahah A hug!


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