
Professional life goals

Hi! In this topic I would talk about my professional life goals. First of all, I want to said that I don`t really know if are my real goals but at the moment it`s that I would like to do. At the time, I want to go to Europe, but just to Italy and Spain, to learn more about contemporany dance, and then I want  to travel Latin America to learn more of their folklore dance and be able to do a works of that. I don`t know how long I would be in those places, but I do know that but if I know that it would be the one necessary to feel identified with folklore. And the closest goal I have is to be a good teacher for the children I teach, that they could learn about my and I learn about them. Because I teach in BAFOCHI, here in Chile, as an assistant teacher in Santiago and Melipilla, for  the academy and in a school calls "Menecianos". Maybe tomorrow my goals could be different but today I want this for my life, and be a pride for my family and the people who believed in me, lik...

One of my favourite artist

HI! Today I have to talk about an artist that I admired, I have so many artist that I admired but I choose the artist who show me my grandmother I talk about the King of pop, Michael Jackson. For me he is like WOAH. Well he died on June 25th, 2009. He is an artist of the 80´s- 90's and he change the way to make video clips in that time. He had named himself "King of pop and rock", but with the time the people just say "King of pop" for all the amazing things he do and not just in his music, also in his amazing dance i think the most of people train to imited, his exceptional steps with the magic they had. He performance in the most iconic stadium of so many countries, also he come once to Chile in 1993. At first I though it´s cause my grandmother show me this artista but whith the time I could understand cause it´s for the way he moves, that idea to mix all the styles he knows influence in me more that I think .

URL that i like

HI! I'm a bit behind with this blog, but ... I'm here ... xd In this case I will talk about some URLs that I find interesting ... The first is a music video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ekp-PZD5bc. In this video we appear with a friend dancing, and it is a beautiful experience for us. It's for the song "Friday for two" by Mera, if you want to listen to it, press the link to listen to xd. The other link or url, is a song from a Disney movie, which even today, makes sense to me with everything I'm living https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXPv1OvPXVk with this audition song for enter the university, so it has a special meaning for me, still. I hope you like these two types of songs, which are interesting and I feel that they mark a bit of my life here at the university. So ... that Bye Bye

Speak in dance

Hello, In this topic I would like to talk about the "speak in dance", for my it's something so difficult cause I don't like to talk when I dance I feel insecure and exposed but I feel that's important to expresed how I do, when I move my body. It's complicated to cause I like that idea to speak in dance, how some dancers can mix their movements, I like that idea to thetold a poem or a history, but I have not been able to do it for insecurity Despite all this, in this days, I think it's thankfulyl the rain,that I wrote some things and that I wanted to interpret my writings throught movements and I ask me,and if I read while I'm dancing? . So, for first time I wanna talk when I'm dancing, well I'm stell afraid but I wanna tried and see what's happend, I wanna find out how this can modifi my dance and my perspective of the dance in the places that i habit And that's it, maybe I can tell you what happend after prove it.

My favorite photo

Today I`ll talk about one of my favorite picture, cause I`ve so many picture that i love for so many reason. This photo was taken by my mom when we were paying attention to the depth of the laek. The people that appear are my dad and I, when we went to a laek near to Quiao, Chiloe. It was taken this year, febraury 2019, on our summer vacation. Well, if I`m honest I really like the photos with my family for all the memories that contain, and although in this picture not appear all my family, like my mom that who`s took the photo, my brother who didn`t go woth us for work, or my grandmother who was at home. I like to think of this photo as calm before the storm. I like to remember tha happiness that I felt while talking with my dad about the laek, or the misterious of Chiloe, or see my mom enjoying the wonderfull view of the laek, enjoying the breeze. I like to remember this simple things before the reality hit we had. I think I uploaded this photo in instagram stories but I di...

A little of my life in the university

HI!  Well... Today I´ll wrote a little of my life in the University. If I´m sincere, I thought it would be more different that I imagined. Maybe I feel that cause´I was enter  in the career when I still in the high-school, so I was don´t feel a period of transition. I´m just in another institution. The good athink about this is that I´ve always feel full, with I can learn  with my classmates . I like the idea that all we know that this career it´s so emotional and we accept it, I like the idea that help it each other, and understand the situation,when someone cry or it feel so happy, we accompany your feeling.  I like that I can express my feelings :) And the most important, I think, we all is different, all of we have different experience with the dance, and we can show, learn, teach and understand that.

My favourite piece of technology

In this blog I´ll talk about my cellphone, cause I think it´s my favorite piece of technology. My cellphone is a LG androib model. I have this cellphone from the past year, cause the other that I was have, it was didn´t working. I use it all the time, I´m accept that I´m a slave of my cellphone, but I always used when I wanna listen music, see photos or videos, take photos or videos, comunicate with other people, use the social networks, read and search some information that it´s important to me. Usually I use when I was bored, or when I´m not in class, but it depends about the class, also use in my house when I think it´s important. I like it cause I feel more secure, and cause like I said before, I´m a slave of social medias and cellphone. Also I like it cause I feel important in something and cause I can do so many think  without having to bother more people  to help me I think  I would be a person more comunicative with my whereabouts, but that I was didn´t h...